1) Oral Bible Reading January 5, 2023

Gracious blessed greetings to all my friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and to the good citizens of our community @ “Ambassadors of the Christian Faith”, on Facebook. Today I am beginning my weekly oral reading of the Bible Scriptures. Be looking for miracles, signs, and wonders (which will guide your heart and mind in the Spirit) as I find a chapter to read, and begin to read. I will not be choosing where to read from the Bible (unless I’m led by the Spirit), I will merely open my Bible, turn the page, and begin reading right from there. The Lord has many times put me at chapter 1 in the last year; as I’m moved to do this Scriptural reading this way (as the Spirit leads me), and I mostly read from the New Testament. God bless you all. Ezekiel 13, and 1 Corinthians 1.
